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Visit the Diocese of Gary Link for Sunday masses
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
On behalf of myself and Chairman Vince Galambos, I would like to thank everyone that came and made our 50th Western Days a huge success. We are grateful for the volunteers, sponsors, and patrons that helped to make this a fun 4 days for kids of all ages. We look forward to another 50 years of fun! God Bless, Fr. Keith and Vince
Special Thanks to Bill Johnson, Fantasy Amusements and Johnny Rockets for the phenomenal fireworks show on Sunday night.

Click here to view FaceBook: Panek in the Region

We are now offering Online Giving! Sign up and to begin contributing automatically to our parish. This convenient new system does not require you to contact your bank to sign up or to make changes. You can use any of your credit cards or checking account and funds will be automatically transferred to our parish bank account. This system is more convenient for the parish than electronic checks from your bank. And it’s convenient for you because you can make changes at any time. You can see reports on your contribution history and generate tax statements at each year’s end. Please click on the link below to get started today.
Mass Times at St. Mary in Griffith
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30 pm
Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:30 am
Monday - Friday: 8:15 am
Our Address: 525 N Broad Street, Griffith, IN 46319
Notable Information
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